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Anti Slip Socks for Greyhounds

Anti Slip Socks for Greyhounds

Our Greyhound Power Paws non-slip dog socks prevent dogs from slipping on floors, give improved traction to senior dogs and help the mobility of dogs with hip dysplasia or arthritis. Power Paws protect paws from heat, snow or allergens and help keep wounds clean. In 4 sizes from XS - L greyhound Power Paws can help your dog!

Just as not everyone in your family has the same size feet, not all dogs of the same breed have the same size feet either. We have developed two tools to help you determine the size that would be best, but they are just guides

Please use our breed size and weight guide below as a check to help ensure your dog gets the best size! Check the measurements given using a ruler. If they are not correct, your page did not print at 100%. Turn the page over and have your dog stand on it. Mark the front of the paw, the back of the paw, and the left and right sides of the foot. Measure the length and width, and compare that to where they fit in the sizes.

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