Q&As from Zoomadog Customers
Q: Hello, our dogs recently had to have both of his eyes removed due to an accident. We have been looking for something which would help him with moving around once he is back on his feet again and found your Muffin Halo, do you think this will help him?
A: I'm sorry to hear that your dog had to have his eyes removed but hope he's recovering from surgery well and is alright in himself. These are great to give blind dogs extra sensory information to help them navigate around - e.g. you can see in the little video it stops a dog from bumping into the post. Also, dogs can still sniff the ground when using the halo, and the design means it's comfortable and lightweight. If you have any further questions, please let us know. We're here to help.
Q. Hello, our dog has developed cataracts in both her eyes, while she is fine at home, we are finding that she is increasingly bumping into things and hitting her head when we take her out for walks. She is elderly but is still quite active although getting a little wobbly on her feet, but she so enjoys her little walks, we don’t want to have to stop them. I saw your Halo and it looks like it would be a good solution but just had a couple of questions. Firstly, she is a small Terroir but has quite a long nose, so worried if I get a small size the ‘halo’ will be too small? Also, she is quite elderly, how heavy is the halo with the harness bit?
A: Thank you for explaining about your dog and giving us some background on her, it sounds like the Halo could really benefit her. The actual halo hoop comes in different sizes, so if you send us measurements, we can make sure the hoop will be big enough for her. Alternatively, we are always happy to exchange if you find it is the wrong size when you try it on her. The whole halo unit is very lightweight, we have some very elderly and fragile dogs who experience no problems. Interestingly we often have feedback from owners, who say that as the Halo gives their dogs more confidence to walk, they can actually find their dogs become more stable when walking, as a lot of the ‘wobbliness’ is linked to uncertainty of hitting objects.