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Support for Dogs Carpal Hyperextension Injury

Support for Dogs Carpal Hyperextension Injury

If your dog is recovering from a carpal hyperextenion injury, there are dog leg support products to help with the rehabilitation.

When you have seen your Vet, there may be an option of surgery You will need to decide if this is the best option for your dog. If you choose surgery you will need to rehabilitate the leg properly afterwards to get the best results. You can work with a combination of hydrotherapy, physiotherapy and good quality natural dog supplements. Make sure you keep your dog at their correct weight, as excess weight will add extra pressure on the joints.

Dog Leg Splint

If your dog has had surgery you can use a dog leg splint to support the carpal and wrist area This will help to prevent re injury while the leg heals, this splint goes under the dogs paw, so completely immobilizes the lower limb.

We always recommend to use lighter supports as your dogs leg heals.

Once your dogs leg has strengthened you can use a lighter support like a Carpo Flex X. The Carpo Flex X is the strongest neoprene support you can buy that does not immobilize the lower leg, so your dog can continue with normal activity.

Carpo Flex X Wrap

Previous article Reasons Your Dog May Lose Hind Leg Mobility


jennifer russo - February 13, 2023

Dear Sir/Madam
I have seen my vets and they say my dog has severe hyperetention I would like to find out more from yourselves and if you can help him with some splints etc?? and I would like to send you some small photos of his feet thank you

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