Read Further & Help Your Dog
Find a huge range of articles below, rich in information and suggestions, that can help you get your dog back on the road again
Find a huge range of articles below, rich in information and suggestions, that can help you get your dog back on the road again
What you need to know about your Dog and COVID-19 Are you worried that you dog may catch COVID-19? While we understand that you want to protect yourself and your dog, there's currently no real evidence to support that domestic...
We all want our dogs to enjoy Christmas as much as we do, so what better than to bake your dogs a yummy dog friendly Christmas cake, so they don't have to miss out! Here we have a super Christmas...
Does your dog need a back brace or support to help stabilize their back. This dog back brace from Wiggleless offers support and comfort to your dog during recovery. The WiggleLess dog back brace helps to stabilize the spinal column...
The Orthodog Dog Hock Holder is on the dog's back leg below the knee and corresponds to the ankle on a human. This brace is designed this brace to fit the natural angle of the hock to prevent it from...
A ligament is a band of strong connective tissue that joins bone to bone. Part of a ligament’s function is to stabilise and support the joint. Injuries happen for a variety of reasons: sudden trauma (such as twisting or jumping);...
Many dog owners choose not to have cruciate ligament knee surgery or TPLO surgery. Common Reasons For No TPLO Surgery Maybe your dog is too old You don’t want to risk the surgery Your dog has a secondary condition You would...
Deciding that your dog needs surgery can be a big decision, surgery is always risky but there are factors which can make it more so. Knowing the risk factors and being able to make an informed decision for your dog,...
Like humans, knee injuries are a very common injury type in dog. The early signs that your dog might have a cruciate knee injury include limping, bunny hopping, having difficulty standing up or unable to weight bear. If you think your dog...
If your dog’s legs are suddenly not working, they will find it hard to get on their feet and will likely wobble, weave and be unbalanced when they stand. It can be distressing to watch as your dog cannot walk...
My Dog Is Limping On Their Front Leg. What Could It Be? You might have noticed your dog limping when you've come back from a walk, or they're simply walking around the house. Here are 10 of the most common reasons why...
Corns are very painful for your greyhound, so simply ignoring the problem is not an option. There are a number of treatment options for greyhound corns, the one most appropriate for you and your dog depends on you, your dog...
Your French Bulldog might have started dragging one or both back paws along the ground. This might have started suddenly or over a longer period of time, but you will notice their nails getting shorter and often their paw skin...