Read Further & Help Your Dog
Find a huge range of articles below, rich in information and suggestions, that can help you get your dog back on the road again
Find a huge range of articles below, rich in information and suggestions, that can help you get your dog back on the road again
Your dog might have had successful or unsuccessful surgery which has left one or both legs dragging when they walk. If they're dragging a back leg, it's likely your dog’s surgery affected the spinal nerves which can result in limping or...
If your dog has arthritis in its back paws, it can be painful and make it hard for it to walk. Arthritis is a progressive, life-long medical condition that doesn't usually get better over time. It is important to make your...
It sounds like your dog might have a medical condition called Paw Knuckling. Front paw knuckling is often in one paw and can be distressing to watch. Your dog might find it difficult to get around like normal. Instead, you...
Your German Shepherd might have started dragging one or both back paws in the house or on walks. It could have started suddenly or slowly, and you might have noticed it getting worse with time. It will make your dog...
You might have noticed your pug wobble and walk unsteadily, and if you look closely, it might be because your pug's back paws have started to curl or they are dragging one or both of their back paws. This means their nails can get...
Your might have noticed your dog knuckling with their front paw, this is when the paw curls over and the paw pad no longer sits flat on the floor. This can make it difficult for your dog to walk like normal, they can...
You might have noticed your puppy showing signs of one or both front paws knuckling or curling over. Puppies can develop knuckling in their front legs, where their paw pads don't fully touch the floor or their paws curl or...
You might have noticed your dog dragging one or both back paws, damaging his nails and making them much shorter, sometimes even going down to the quick. You might have noticed bleeding on the paw skin, as your dog's paw brushes...
What Happens When Your Dog Has Slipped Disc? When a disc ‘slips’, it means that the disc contents, the nucleus pulposus, is “herniating” i.e. pushing up / protruding through an opening in the annulus fibrosus, into the spinal cord. This puts pressure...
The Grades of Hip Dysplasia in My Dog Hip dysplasia varies in severity. To the layperson, describing hip dysplasia in stages of severity keeps it clear and simple for everyone to understand: Early stages: No visible signs, however joint changes...
So What Actually is the Dog Hip Dysplasia Stance? It’s a posture, or way of standing, that a dog adopts in order to try and alleviate some of the discomfort caused by hip dysplasia. It’s one of the overt and...