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My Elderly Labrador has Hind Leg Hip Weakness, Is Losing Muscle Mass and Sways When Walking and Trying To Run. Does He Have Hip Dysplasia?

My Elderly Labrador has Hind Leg Hip Weakness, Is Losing Muscle Mass and Sways When Walking and Trying To Run. Does He Have Hip Dysplasia?

Early signs of hip dysplasia in my dog

  • Altered gait
  • Stiffness
  • Lameness
  • Difficulty in getting up or lying down or climbing stairs
  • Lack of muscle and weakness in the hindquarters
  • Sensitivity in the hip area or even audible clicking or popping sounds in the hip joint are all signs of hip dysplasia.

Vet examination

If you notice symptoms of hip dysplasia in your dog, or think that your dog might afflicted by it, it's important that you take them to your vet to be properly assessed. This should involve a physical examination and x-rays, to help determine the level of dysplasia present. An X-ray is the only definitive way of diagnosing hip dysplasia. Once hip dysplasia is confirmed, the x-rays will be examined to determine severity. Once this is known you and your vet can discuss and form the most appropriate treatment plan for your individual dog.

Symptoms of hip dysplasia in dogs

Symptoms of hip dysplasia in dogs usually start while they are young and growing and can vary depending on severity of the condition. If symptoms only become apparent when your dog is older, it is likely that they have always had hip dysplasia mildly and it is not until their osteoarthritis has progressed as they age that it becomes apparent.

Although symptoms of hip dysplasia can differ, it does not usually present as acute pain. Your dog is unlikely to yelp for example, pain is more likely to be the dull, continuous type although they can get sharper pain on manual manipulation by your vet for example.

Read more about Dog Hip Dysplasia Causes, Prevention and How to Help at home

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