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My Dog Has A Ruptured / Collapsed Hock. What Should I Do?

My Dog Has A Ruptured / Collapsed Hock. What Should I Do?

It's important to know the difference between a sprained hock, ruptured / torn hock, and collapsed hock. This will help you understand if your dog has a ruptured or collapsed hock. 

Sprained hock

Your dog will most likely show a gentle limp and tenderness around the hock joint. Dogs can sprain or strain the ligaments, tendons, and muscles around the hock joint due to sudden twisting, jumping or landing awkwardly. Read more here

Ruptured / torn hock

Your dog will probably be unable to weight-bear and find it very difficult to walk. The leg might be floppy. Ruptured or torn hock injuries tend to occur in younger and more active dogs, although it can affect a dog at any age. It's always important to seek a diagnosis from your vet if you suspect your dog has a hock joint injury. Once you know the cause for your dog’s hock injury, you will then be able to explore the different treatment options and decide on the most appropriate. Read more here 

Collapsed hock

Your dogs back leg will likely be completely touching the floor. This is because of an Achilles Tendon rupture and it can be very distressing to watch.  Achilles Tendon injuries occur in your dog’s back legs and can make your dog limp, unable to weight-bear or completely change the angle of your dog’s back leg, often called a ‘dropped’ hock. A 'dropped' hock indicates a complete Achilles Tendon rupture, and causes a dog to walk flat-footed. When this happens, it's important that you give your dog as much support as possible. Read more here 

Treatments for a Ruptured / Torn Hock

  • Resting the joint is often recommended
  • Light or restricted exercise 
  • Applying a brace can give your dog the required support needed, to help them heal. When the hock joint is supported medially and laterally with a brace, your dog can move easily without straining the joint

A supportive brace both pre and post-surgery, can make a big difference to recovery. Find the Best Dog Hock Braces & Hock Supports

Read more about Hock Injury Causes, Prevention and How to Help 

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What are Dog Hock Injuries?

Your dog might be limping on their back leg due to hock swelling, arthritis, an Achilles Tendon rupture, a pulled or torn hock ligament

Read about hock injuries

Best Hock Braces for Your Dog

Support the dog hock with a brace so your dog can reduce pain and prevent reinjury, they will be able to get up from their bed and go for longer walks with more confidence

Best Hock Braces
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