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My Dog Needs Hock Surgery. What Should I Do?

My Dog Needs Hock Surgery. What Should I Do?

Generally, hock surgery in dogs isn't that common. However, it may be that your vet has told you your dog needs surgery for their hock injury.

Hock surgery may require pins, wires and/or screws if there's a fracture, or screws for a torn ligament. Applying a brace to the hock joint post-operatively can greatly improve surgical outcomes. Braces provide greater stability and support to the joint and facilitate physiotherapy/exercise resuming earlier.

It's worth discussing the different braces with your vet, as they can assess which brace will best help your dog.

Read more about Hock Injury Causes, Prevention and How to Help

Find the Best Dog Hock Braces & Hock Supports

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What are Dog Hock Injuries?

Your dog might be limping on their back leg due to hock swelling, arthritis, an Achilles Tendon rupture, a pulled or torn hock ligament

Read about hock injuries

Best Hock Braces for Your Dog

Support the dog hock with a brace so your dog can reduce pain and prevent reinjury, they will be able to get up from their bed and go for longer walks with more confidence

Best Hock Braces
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