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How Can I Stop My Dog's Grass Allergy on His Paws?

How Can I Stop My Dog's Grass Allergy on His Paws?

Customer Question:

Our dog is allergic to grass etc. and licks his feet a lot and sometimes they bleed. What would you suggest to stop him licking them and also protect his paws when outside?

Zoomadog Answer:

Thanks for getting in touch.

To stop your dog's allergy take a look at Dermagic Skin Rescue Lotion, this is easy to rub into your dog's paw. It is fantastic at stopping them biting their feet and calms the allergy down, they don't like the taste of the lotion! You will want to use a little lotion in the house to stop them licking their paws and then the use boots for outdoors.

For boots - the best boots for your dog would be our Walker Active Boots. They have good protection for the outdoors and are breathable. For sizing, measure your Westie's paw width.

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What Are Grass Allergies In My Dog?

Dog grass allergies, sometimes called allergic dermatitis, are relatively common. They can affect your dog to varying degrees. They’re usually caused by the pollen associated with grasses

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Grass Allergy Treatments

Dermagic is a fantastic natural skincare solution for dogs who need help with itchy skin, skin allergies, black skin disease, fleas, hair loss, mange, hot spots, dandruff or seborrhea, cuts and sores

Find Treatments here
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