Q&As from Zoomadog Customers
Q: "Hi, I was wanting some advice about support for our dog, he is 11 years old and has recently developed a ruptured Achilles tendon. Three treatment options were offered, none of which were suitable both in terms of cost and risk of complications. This left us with the difficult choice of just looking after Ozzy and managing his condition as best we could, for as long as we could. We then looked around online at other options or advice that may help him and found your Website. We were quite taken aback, and encouraged, by the wealth of information and with the range of supports that looked suitable and at a much more realistic cost. We would welcome your advice so that we can, at least try and help our dog to become more mobile."
A: Thank you for your email and yes we can help you and your dog!
For Achilles tendon injuries there are a few options, I wrote this article to explain each of them.
Read here -> https://zoomadog.co.uk/blogs/blog/5-products-to-help-your-dogs-achilles-tendon-injuries-and-rupture
Q: "Hello, my dog has had a ruptured Achilles on his right leg , his left leg isn’t good either and will probably give up eventually, he’s only 7 years old. He was operated on in May and a metal plate was inserted to stabilise the joint, however it didn’t go to plan, infection plus one of the screws bent and eventually exposed itself and the plate had to be removed. We’ve been back to the vets who would like to insert another plate and do the operation again, however the failure rate is around 40% and I’m not willing to put our dog through it all again.
So here is my question…I’ve spoken to the vet about a wheelchair for our dog, he agrees it would be a good idea, I only intend to use it on longer walks with him as he’s OK pottering around the house and garden. As both legs are chronic and are getting worse what type of wheel chair do you suggest?"
A: Thanks for explaining your dog’s story and yes, I think a wheelchair could really help him. You can put his rea legs up using the stirrups which come in the kit, this will give him some relief. You can also put his back legs down so that his legs still use their muscles and help prevent premature wasting. It takes about two minutes to adjust so you can change throughout the day.