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Dog Knee Brace to Support Pre & Post Surgery

Dog Knee Brace to Support Pre & Post Surgery

If your dog has been diagnosed with a cruciate knee injury or tear, you may wish to choose conservative management as an alternative to surgery. This is a good option if your dog is too old for surgery, or has any weaknesses that make it unsuitable or high risk for surgery. We would suggest a combination of treatments to help your dog recover. A really good natural supplement like the Winstons Joint System to Boost The Joint Lube Strengthen the Ligaments. Hydrotherapy as its a low impact exercise that will strengthen all of the muscles and keep the dog fit. We would also suggest a dog knee brace to help stabilise and support the knee.

One of the most supportive cruciate knee braces you can buy is the BT Cruciate brace from Balto.

The BT Cruciate Knee brace for dogs is designed to support dogs with cruciate ligament injury, luxation of the patella, knee joint conditions such as arthritis and arthrosis and angular limb deformities. The cruciate brace can be used both as an alternative to surgery, and in post-surgery. The brace has two pockets which contain removable angled splints that restrict the movement of the knee when necessary. The cruciate brace can be used both as an alternative to surgery, and in post-surgery (TTO, TTA, TPLO ). The cruciate brace has two pockets, which contain two angled splints that restrict the movement of the knee where necessary. An abdominal band ensures the brace is secured at the right height on the leg. An additional Harness Link is provided and can be used in conjunction with a chest harness in order to prevent the abdominal belt from sliding. The brace can also be used without splints for conditions such as arthritis and arthrosis. This is because the compression it provides increases the blood pressure in the area, thus raising the temperature and reducing the pain caused by the conditions.
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Best Cruciate Braces for Dogs

Best Crucaite Braces
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