01730 622544

Jeff, the Terrier Dog, Suffered a Ruptured ACL Knee Ligament
Jeff was out in the garden chasing a squirrel when he must have turned too quickly, he was then not able to put any weight on his back leg! You could see from the swelling around his knee something was not right. We took him to the vets a few days later, Jeff was examined and they told us he had completely ruptured his ACL!
Jeff being 11 years old surgery was not an option for us, we were told he had to be on bed rest for 8 weeks and for Jeff this was the hardest challenge! He was prescribed anti inflammatories and painkillers. We decided to do some research into alternatives for Jeff, we came across Zoomadog and decided to purchase the Tailwind brace for his leg, it has been fantastic, he has taken to it really well and we can definitely see an improvement In the way he holds and weight bears on his bad leg. It really has provided the relief he needed.

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Feel free to give us a call on 01730 622544
or email us at woof@zoomadog.co.uk
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