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My Dog Has a Front Leg Fracture. What Should I Do?

My Dog Has a Front Leg Fracture. What Should I Do?

It can be very frightening if your dog has fractured their front leg. Most likely it was an accident while out walking or exercising. 

You Must Go To Your Vet

The first and most important step is to take your dog immediately to the vet. If the accident has happened at the weekend, make sure you take your dog to the out-of-hours service.

Next Steps

Acting quickly with a broken leg is paramount. It is likely your vet will either perform the surgery themselves or refer you to a special orthopedic centre.

The vet will probably perform surgery. After your dog comes home, you'll need a strict management plan to make sure your dog makes a full recovery.

In terms of dog leg braces, your dog will likely be in a cast for six weeks, or for as long as your vet recommends. Once the cast is off, it's still a good idea to give the leg strong support.

Leg Braces For a Dog Front Leg Fracture

Look at front leg splints and supports for dogs here

Top Tips

  • When the cast first comes off your dog, use a rigid splint to immobilise your dog's leg
  • Use a strong leg wrap once the rigid splint has finished. You can use this leg wrap for many months after the splint to make sure your dog has the best recovery. Use it when you take your dog out for walks or when it is exercising
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