01730 622544

My Dachshund Has IVDD. What Should I Do?
If you think your Dachshund has IVDD, you must immediately ring your vet for an appointment and a confirmed diagnosis.
While you wait to see your vet, strictly minimise the amount of exercise your dog takes. This includes in the house, with many dog owners putting their dogs on crate rest to restrict even small amounts of exercise. It is very important not to inflame the spinal cord further if your dog does have IVDD.
Dachshunds are one of the higher risk IVDD dog breeds because they're chondrodystrophic i.e. they have short legs and long bodies. Their bio-mechanics often result in back problems in dachshunds.
There is a fantastic website with many resources called Dachshund IVDD UK. It has stories, treatments, research and prevention here: https://www.dachshund-ivdd.uk/
Excellent IVDD Facebook groups
There are also two excellent Facebook groups with helpful tips and shared advice:
- Dachshund IVDD UK group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VITALDachshundIVDD/
- IVDD Support group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IVDDsupportGroup/
IVDD further reading
Read further about Non-Surgical and Conservative Management IVDD treatments here: https://zoomadog.co.uk/collections/conservative-management-ivdd
Read more about dog IVDD Causes, Prevention, Early Signs of IVDD in Dogs, and Help at Home https://zoomadog.co.uk/collections/dog-ivdd-or-intervertebral-disc-disease
Find the best dog Back Braces here https://zoomadog.co.uk/collections/dog-back-braces

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