01730 622544

Doris the French Bulldog has IVDD
Almost 4 years ago Doris didn’t seem herself, she was really quiet and just sat in her bed. We had to pick her up to take her on to the toilet but she just lay there on the grass.
We called the emergency vets and they advised us to bring Doris in, this was during Covid, we went to emergency vets and I remember having to leave Doris in the doorway for the veterinary nurse to collect her.
The nurse called me 20 minutes later and said that they needed to refer Doris to Pride Specialist Referral Hospital in Derby, as they thought a disc had blown in her back which had crushed her spinal cord.
We got straight back in the car and headed over to Pride. There I was advised the vet would call me in the morning to let me know Doris’s diagnosis. 7am the following morning the vet called and I was told Doris had IVDD, that she needed surgery but with therapy and medication she would walk again.
Doris had surgery that day. After a further 8 weeks recovery and hydrotherapy, Doris was walking however the coordination is not in great. Her back legs cross over when she is walking. Doris is alright to get around at home but requires wheels when out for walks.
It’s been three years and nine months since Doris’s operation, she’s the happiest girl who loves walks on her wheels. There’s no stopping my girl.

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