Read Further & Help Your Dog
Find a huge range of articles below, rich in information and suggestions, that can help you get your dog back on the road again
Find a huge range of articles below, rich in information and suggestions, that can help you get your dog back on the road again
The Orthodog Hip brace has been designed to support dogs who suffer from arthritis, mild to moderate hip dysplasia, decreased endurance during activity, hip pain, lower back pain or weakness and back leg limping. The Orthodog Dog Hip Brace...
If you are looking for a fantastic natural supplements for your dogs joint health, then our Glycanaid HA is the perfect product. GlycanAid HA Advanced Joint Health Formula is specifically designed for dogs requiring the maximum degree of support to...
If you need a back brace for you dog. Our Wiggeless brace offers the perfect solution. When used as directed, the vet-recommended and patented WiggleLess® dog back brace offers firm support, back stability and stress relief for your dog. Wiggleless®...
If your dog suffers from dermatitis, alopecia, black skin disease or dry itchy allergic skin. This fast working Dermagic skin rescue lotion will get to the root of the problem, helping heal the affected areas We recommend applying twice a...
Its always hard choosing the right glucosamine supplement for your dog. With so many on the market, of very different qualities. Here is a short article to help.. By: James St.Clair, DVM (Directory of Veterinary Medicine, TopDog Health Rehabilitation) It...
Glycanaid is a fantastic maintenance supplement to support your dogs joint health.. Looking for a supplement that will properly support your dogs joints? Lucky for you, you have come to the right place. GlycanAid is a daily natural joint health...
If your dog has had surgery to the hock or lower rear limb, or suffers from Achilles weaknesses, this hock splint will help rehabilitate the leg after the cast has been removed. These dog leg splints completely immobilize the lower...
Our Greyhound Power Paws non-slip dog socks prevent dogs from slipping on floors, give improved traction to senior dogs and help the mobility of dogs with hip dysplasia or arthritis. Power Paws protect paws from heat, snow or allergens and...
By Kristina Lotz Many of us love this time of year the changing colour of the leaves, brisk fall breezes, and finally a respite from the hot weather of Summer. For your dog, however, fall may be more work than...
If your dog needs a highly supportive fornt leg wrap, the carpo flex X is the product to look at, as it offers maximum support without using a splint Thera-Paw Carpo-Flex X Wrap provides moderate stability to the forelimb (carpus/...
The WiggleLess dog back brace helps to stabilize the spinal column and restricts unwanted movements that may exacerbate underlying spinal injuries. Whether you have an overweight dog that needs extra support, an elderly dog with an aching back, a dog...
TopDog's First Patient: by Dr. James St. Clair A lovely article from Dr J St. Clair - isn't it amazing how a dog can change our lives forever and how patience and perseverance, and trusting your own judgement as well...